
Going to Israel, you run the risk of staying here forever, because in this country all expectations are sure to come true!
So, you went here to relax, swim in the sea, visit world famous historical places, enjoy the delightful air of Israel ... Do not forget that from the holidays usually bring souvenirs to relatives and friends. Be creative: bring Israeli wine. By the way, to buy wine of Israel is not a problem here: you will easily get the necessary wine!
Kosher wine has been produced here for a long time. Especially for this purpose there are more than four thousand hectares, where vineyards are located. You will say that Israel is not such a large country, but the fact remains: one and a half hundred wineries are actively functioning here.
The wines of Israel today are the highlight of the most exquisite tables in the whole world, and about six thousand years ago it was sent to Egypt and the Roman Empire.
Kosher wine, which every guest should buy here, is made taking into account a whole set of strict rules and criteria.
⦁ Vineyards, in which they take "raw materials", must be at least four years old.
⦁ Every seventh year a vineyard must necessarily rest.
⦁ Only kosher products are allowed to make such wine.
⦁ Only true Jews who keep the Sabbath are allowed to cook such wine.
We are sure that every person at least once in life should try Israeli kosher wine, which you can buy today online.
Enjoying its delicate special taste, you will fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of this magical country.
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