


Kamedis Skin Relief Calming Lotion 30ml

Kamedis Skin Relief Calming Lotion 30ml
Brand: Kamedis
Product Code: kmd010
Price: $18.0
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Skin Relief Calming Lotion emulsion for quick relief and soothing.
• Provides instant relief after bites.
• Soothes irritated skin.
• Soothes dry and reddish skin areas.

User manual:
Apply 1-3 times a day on the living areas and massage until fully absorbed. For maximum result, repeat the operation 10-15 minutes later.

Suitable for adults, children and babies from 6 months.
For infants and children from 6 months to 3 years, it is recommended to use once a day.
It is recommended to try on a small area of skin at least 24 hours before initial use.

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