


Tahini - recipe for making tahini souce


Tahini is sesame paste, which is made from sesame seeds, it has a distinct nutty taste and consistency of peanut butter. For Israelis, the paste replaces any sesame sauce. They filled salads, put in sandwiches and sandwiches, served tahini to dishes of meat and vegetables. In Israel, tahini is prepared from 100% sesame paste for a specific recipe, which we today and tell you. 

So you will need the concentrated paste tahini (tahini), that you can buy on our website with the worldwide shipment. 

Add pressed garlic, salt, lemon juice at the end added water bringing the sauce to the desired consistency. Every restaurant has their own recipe for making tahini souce, but now you can easily prepare this healthy and delicious sauce by yourself.

Useful properties of tehina

1 tablespoon contains 85 calories, 7.2 g fat, 3.2 g carbs, 2.6 g protein. This is a great source of healthy fatty acids: have one serving of 60.1 mg of omega-3 and 3.4 mg of omega-6. Your body can't produce these vital substances, therefore, they must be included in the diet. To enhance the health of the heart and brain. There is also a small amount of calcium, iron, copper and phosphorus – minerals that provide strength to bones and teeth, cleansing the kidneys (especially if you are taking antacids and diuretics) that strengthen blood vessels, promoting the production of red blood cells, giving energy to prevent anemia. Another vital ingredient tahini – thiamine or vitamin B1. Each serving is 16 % of the daily value of this nutrient. Beneficial effect on the nervous system, muscles and digestion. Thiamine deficiency can cause complications of heart disease and gastrointestinal tract.

So we gladly to offer you to replace this wonderful diet and a tasty sauce, mayonnaise and ketchup, and become more healthy!